Saturday, September 11, 2010

A new day!

So, today is a MUCH different day than yesterday! Praise the Lord for that!!

Yesterday, I cried most of the day. I felt overwhelmed & like I struggled for every single breath. Two thoughts went through my head as I was going through yesterday:
1. Sorrow may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning!
2. The pain of yesterday was from my mask being torn off
For a long time, I've been wearing a mask. No one but my immediate family (hubby & chillins) have seen the true "me" that I have become. They see the ugliness & they feel the pain. Everyone else sees what I LET them see. Every once in a while, my mask slips a little and others see a bit of what's behind it, but a quick excuse & getaway usually keep anyone from seeing what truly lies beneath my mask. Admitting what is going on has caused me to be unable to wear the mask anymore. The mask is forever broken! That is a good thing & a scary thing at the same time. I can't hide anymore. Instead I have to face it & deal with it head on, like a big girl. I've gotta "put on my big girl panties and deal with it."

I started my medication last night & I am so thankful that I have not had any ill side-effects. I am praying that I don't have any & that it works quickly. I am also praying that my wee man doesn't have any side effects from it, as I am still breastfeeding. The medication is the safest to take while breastfeeding, but there is always a chance of side effects.

I am so thankful that today is a better day! I am spending the day with my boys and watching my friend's son. He is a few months younger than Chaz, but they are the best of friends! I am also preparing for Chaz's birthday party this afternoon. His little friends are coming to celebrate him! He is such a blessing!!

So...until next time...

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